

A Mother’s Morning Meditation

Good morning, dear Mothers. Today is a new day and all is well. All is well. As I enter this day, I center myself with a deep, stilling breath. And then another. I sit in the emptiness and experience myself, the light in me. I greet myself with a smile and acknowledge all that I am and all that I give.

With eyes closed, I breath deeply again noticing the many spaces within my being. I notice the places that I experience as too-full. I notice the places that feel clear. I notice the places that feel in need of nurturing. With this noticing, I allow the energy within me to begin circulating, first slowly, then with increased power finding all of the places that need emptying, discovering all of the places that need filling and then slowly, so perfectly bringing the energy inside of me into complete balance.

I breathe deeply again now experiencing the steady rhythm of all that is happening inside of my mind, of all that is happening inside of my chest and all around the rest of my beautiful being. I am grateful and know that I may bring myself to balance again and again throughout my day. In this moment, I imagine my body as a sturdy and flowing tree. Through the soles of my feet, healthy, winding roots begin making their way into the earth grounding me into my perfect balance. Through the crown of my head I grow tall and expansive. I am both strong and fluid. I release this image and come back now into my heart center and feel expansive with love. Here I am. And here is my day before me. I have things to do and places to be. I have children who need me. And others, too.

Breathing deeply I know that I will find a pace for my words and actions that allows me to meet each moment in my day with grace and presence. I know that my life has meaning, sometimes even in the smallest of actions. I know that I have time. There is plenty of time. I will cultivate this feeling of expansive space in my home today and treat my children with gentleness. I will hear their words. I will smile at them and invite their thoughts into my heart. All that they are will be safe and respected with me. As I come to the end of this quiet moment I take another healing breath and see myself with the same love that I feel for my children. The love I will share with my children today showers me, as well. I feel peace. I feel energized for the day to come. I feel alive and ready to give.

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A Message from Your Children

Please join me in receiving a message from your children. Begin by quieting your mind with a deep and stilling breath. All is well. All is well. Notice your thoughts and allow them to fall away without judgement, without concern.

Experience your body as completely relaxed and at peace. Breathe deeply again imagining you have traveled to a beautiful and favorite place. Maybe it is a beach. Maybe it is a mountaintop. Maybe it is a wide open field. Wherever this sacred place is, experience it vividly and with all of your senses now. Look around you closely and notice the details of your surroundings. Feel the surface beneath your feet. Experience the climate. Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit taking in your surroundings again.

Once you are comfortable look into the distance and notice a figure coming to you. Notice that your child is walking along contentedly toward you. Your child smiles when they notice you and picks up their pace. You feel so excited, too, when you see them and you rise to meet them. Together you sit down and embrace. Your child is fully at peace and seems older than their actual age. Look closely at your child taking in their features. Notice their essence. Notice their being at a soulful level. Notice what they have come here to do. Notice yourself now. Notice your own energy. Notice what you have come here to do. Now, your child reaches for your hand. They are leaning toward you and now whispering something oh-so-sweetly into your ear. They are telling you the secret to their happiness. To their contentment. To greater harmony between you. They are telling you how you can best help them to fulfill all that they can be. Listen closely. Allow this realization to wash over you and be absorbed into your mind, into your heart, into all that you are. They love so, so, much and now they are coming to you again in an embrace and sharing something else with you. They are telling how you might better care for your own being. They are reminding you of your own true calling. Lean in and listen just as closely as you can to what they are telling you and know that it is true. Embracing you again, they are letting you know that it is time for them to leave now. They assure you that you will meet again soon, back in the realm where you both live. It will be different, though. There will be more reverence. Breathing deeply in now, gather up this memory and take it with you as a treasured gift. Gather up this precious gift and allow it to show you the way.

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A Mother’s Evening Meditation

I quiet my mind with a deep, stilling breath. And then another. I sit in the emptiness and experience myself, the light in me, perhaps for the first time today. I am quiet. All of the sounds and emotions of my day fall away. I greet myself gently and forgive myself the moments when I was not the Mother I hope to be. I value myself for the moments when I was.

I envision a circle of light washing over me, filling me back up with all of the love and energy that I put into caring for my children today. My mind is clear. My heart is happy. I have energy. I have confidence. I have joy. I breathe deeply once again, shedding all negative thoughts. I let go of the way I believe things should be and feel peace with what is.

I experience my children’s beautiful, sparkling eyes in my mind and see them as if for the first time. I invite their spirit to join with mine and together we give thanks for the miracle of our perfect union. I trust that we were brought together perfectly and that we have so much to learn from one another. I sit in this beautiful place and allow my breath to heal any pain I might have felt in my experience as a Mother today or on any other day. I come to a place where I may begin again in wholeness. A deep love comes over me.

With my breath I find my rhythm again. I find a pace for my words and actions that allows me to meet each moment with grace and presence. Beauty enters. And nature. I know that I will treat my children with greater gentleness. I will hear their words. I will smile at them and invite their thoughts into my heart. All that they are will be safe and respected with me.

As I come to the end of this quiet moment I take another healing breath and see myself with the same love that I feel for my children. The love I share with my children each day showers me now. I feel peace. I feel energized for the days to come. I feel alive and ready to give.

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A Meditation for Caregivers

I quiet my mind with a deep, stilling breath. And then another. All is well. All is well. I am well. I settle into the stillness of my soul and greet myself. I greet myself with an attention and presence that perhaps I haven’t given myself in a very long time.

I come to my thoughts and release them experiencing an emptying that offers great relief. I breath deeply allowing any tightness in my head or face to fall away. I experience a pillar of light extending from the crown of my head. All negative, draining thoughts flow out. A healing, rejuvenating energy flows in.

I breathe deeply again moving my energy now to my heart. There I stop and feel my heart soften. Any anger I feel for depleting myself and giving so much dissolves. Any resentment I feel evaporates. I breathe again and experience my heart beating calmly and rhythmically. I experience an unconditional love for myself entering my heart. My heart is open and expansive. I feel happy.

I breathe deeply again and now my attention comes to my entire body as a whole. I release any tension that I may feel. I free myself. I am free from obligations. I am free from the expectations. I am free to make choices that honor my spirit. I am free to show my love in a way that is true for me. I breathe deeply again now and allow a bright, healing light to wash over me making me new again. I can begin again in my life. I am grounded yet free. My head and heart are clear. I feel loved. I am loved. I am love. I begin again renewed.

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