Collections: Framed Photo Prints

8x10 Framed Prints - "First Tooth"

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A timeless 8x10 photo from the Timeless Kids Collection. In this body of work, Meghan explores the intersection between children and the natural world. These images bring both a whimsical and meditative quality to the spaces they occupy and are enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Showcase an individual photo or grouping of works from the Timeless Kids Collection with a ready to display, solid-wood, framed print. Images are printed on Kodak ENDURA Premier Paper which is archival and acid-free. Lustre photo paper is most closely related to a matte finish but, has a textured appearance and a very slight sheen to it. Gloss photo paper finish has a traditional, glossy look featuring bright, bold colors that last. Framed prints are shipped with corrugated cardboard to protect corners. 

  • Contemporary frame style
  • 2" mat
  • 1.25" frame thickness
Paper Type
Frame Colors

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